What is the diagnosis
A tosse, como mecanismo fisiológico, tem fundamental importância na remoção das secreções respiratórias, constituindo, assim, um dos mecanismos de defesa pulmonar. No entanto, os quadros de tosse crônica constituem uma das principais causas de procura por assistência médica no mundo, o que ressalta o significado da correta identificação e tratamento dos fatores desencadeantes e/ou perpetuadores. Dentre os vários fatores relacionados aos quadros de tosse crônica, alguns assumem papel de relevada importância, tais como o refluxo gastroesofágico, a rinorréia posterior ou a asma, já que, isolada ou conjuntame...
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Chronic cough in non-smokers
A tosse, como mecanismo fisiológico, tem fundamental importância na remoção das secreções respiratórias, constituindo, assim, um dos mecanismos de defesa pulmonar. No entanto, os quadros de tosse crônica constituem uma das principais causas de procura por assistência médica no mundo, o que ressalta o significado da correta identificação e tratamento dos fatores desencadeantes e/ou perpetuadores. Dentre os vários fatores relacionados aos quadros de tosse crônica, alguns assumem papel de relevada importância, tais como o refluxo gastroesofágico, a rinorréia posterior ou a asma, já que, isolada ou conjuntame...
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: new perspectives on an old therapy for asthma?
A asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica com níveis variados de obstrução ao fluxo aéreo e diferentes formas de apresentação. Seu tratamento vem sendo modificado com a evolução do conhecimento sobre sua patogenia. A inflamação das vias aéreas, que é modulada por determinantes genéticos e ambientais, resulta na alteração definitiva da arquitetura da via aérea (remodelamento). O padrão inflamatório da asma é de natureza multicelular, envolvendo mastócitos, neutrófilos, eosinófilos, linfócitos T, células musculares e epiteliais. Diversas citocinas e quimiocinas contribuem para a orquestração do p...
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Alveolar hemorrhage associated with lupus nephritis
Hemorragia alveolar, como causa de insuficiência respiratória, é pouco freqüente, com diversas etiologias possíveis. Entre elas, o lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, que se apresenta geralmente como síndrome pulmão-rim, possui alta morbimortalidade. Acredita-se que a patogênese da microangiopatia, tanto renal como pulmonar, esteja associada ao depósito de imunocomplexos, que ativariam as vias de apoptose celular. Relatam-se dois casos de pacientes com nefrite lúpica que evoluíram com hemorragia alveolar associada à insuficiência respiratória necessitando de ventilação mecânica com evoluções totalmente distin...
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Interstitial pneumonia in a patient undergoing treatment with leflunomide: drug-induced toxicity?
We report the case of a 33-year-old female patient who presented with chest pain, weight loss and pulmonary infectious syndrome during the fifth month of monotherapy with leflunomide for rheumatoid arthritis, which advanced to respiratory insufficiency in the sixth month. Radiologic findings revealed pulmonary intersticial infiltrates, as well as bilateral alveolar infiltrates (mainly in the upper and medium lobes) and scattered micronodules. However, no mediastinal abnormalities were detected. Leflunomide was suspended. After resolution of the infection, interstitial reticulonodular lesions persisted, predominantly in the...
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Idiopathic bronchocentric granulomatosis in a nonasthmatic young woman
Granulomatose broncocêntrica é um achado histopatológico descritivo, caracterizado pela inflamação granulomatosa necrosante, centrada em brônquios e bronquíolos, e que ocorre associada a doenças infecciosas, imunológicas e neoplásicas, ou de forma idiopática. Este trabalho relata o caso de uma jovem não asmática de 26 anos com dor torácica, febre e tosse produtiva havia um mês, que apresentou consolidação e cavitação em segmento lingular, observadas na radiografia e na tomografia computadorizada de tórax. Punção aspirativa transbrônquica evidenciou lesão inflamatória inespecífica, sem etiologia id...
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Interference of nail polish colors and time on pulse oximetry in healthy volunteers
CONCLUSION: Despite the difference found with the red color, all the SpO2 values achieved were inside the normal range for a healthy individual. Pulse oximeter readings are not significantly affected by the color of nail polish in relation to time. (Source: Jornal de Pneumologia)
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Influence of oral L-carnitine supplementation combined with physical training on exercise tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CONCLUSION: Oral L-carnitine supplementation combined with physical training may improve tolerance to physical exertion in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. (Source: Jornal de Pneumologia)
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Histological features and survival in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
CONCLUSION: Semiquantitative analysis of lung biopsies yields relevant prognostic information regarding patients with usual interstitial pneumonia. (Source: Jornal de Pneumologia)
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Profile and follow-up of patients with Mycobacterium sp. at the Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
CONCLUSION: Patients failed to receive treatment not due to lack of diagnosis, but to inadequate structure, low awareness levels of all parties, and lack of tuberculosis control organization at the hospital level. Due to the high number of HIV-positive patients, the number of patients cured was lower than that required by the National Health Ministry. Deaths were attributed to HIV infection and lack of knowledge about the disease. In order to identify and address the problems associated with clinical laboratory practice, laboratory professionals must work in concert with their clinical counterparts when carrying out operat...
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Delay in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of lung cancer
CONCLUSIONS: The results show that patients waited too long before seeking medical assistance and that medical treatment of lung cancer was further delayed when patients were examined in an outpatient setting. (Source: Jornal de Pneumologia)
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Factors associated with inadequate treatment in a group of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
CONCLUSION: In the study, the authors observed that factors related to inadequate treatment are wide-ranging. An attempt at better control of the disease is warranted, especially in those patients with pronounced cavitation or bilateral lesions in chest X-rays. And those with 2 or more previous treatments. (Source: Jornal de Pneumologia)
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Lung disease caused by Mycobacterium kansasii
CONCLUSIONS: Mycobacteriosis due to M. kansasii was found only rarely and may be attributable to the characteristics of our patients. Therapy with isoniazid, rifampin and pyrazinamide with eventual replacement of the latter by ethambutol was shown to be effective. (Source: Jornal de Pneumologia)
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Haste may not make waste
(Source: Jornal de Pneumologia)
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research

Profile of patients bearers of Mycobacterium sp.
(Source: Jornal de Pneumologia)
Source: Jornal de Pneumologia - January 10, 2015 Category: Respiratory Medicine Source Type: research