Email Subscriptions.
Hi there!  Posting one last time over on this platform, in case you haven't subscribed to the new blog update.  If you want to continue to receive email updates from the blog, you'll need to visit the new site and click on the email envelope on the right hand side.  Subscribe by email. Thanks!!! (Source: Six Until Me.)
Source: Six Until Me. - June 8, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

Domain Shuffle.
There's a new look at Six Until Me, but you may need to clear your browser cache (or go to to view the new blog.  Thanks for reading!  (Source: Six Until Me.)
Source: Six Until Me. - May 23, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

Always Learning.
I just figured out what the hell this thing is for:Capping up a pre-filled insulin pump cartridge.  For YEARS now I've been wondering what the hell this was, and then tossing it into the garbage after a site change (but then finding it again, days later, rolling around on the bathroom floor because I clearly missed the garbage can).And now I know.Always learning. (Source: Six Until Me.)
Source: Six Until Me. - May 20, 2013 Category: Diabetes Tags: Insulin Pumping Source Type: blogs

D-Blog Week: At Least It's Not ...
Today's D-Blog Week prompt is:  "If you could switch chronic diseases, which one would you choose to deal with instead of diabetes? And while we’re considering other chronic conditions, do you think your participation in the DOC has affected how you treat friends and acquaintances with other medical conditions?"This prompt makes me think of this:  "Type 1 diabetes?  At least it's not [insert other health condition here]."I am not comfortable with this prompt.  Mostly because it makes me feel lucky for how things are, and at the same time apprehensive about how they make shake o...
Source: Six Until Me. - May 17, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

D-Blog Week: Accomplishments, Big and Small.
My biggest accomplishment?  This is pretty big:My smallest accomplishment?  My littlest friend:Enough said.[For more posts on Accomplishments, Big and Small, check out these links!] (Source: Six Until Me.)
Source: Six Until Me. - May 16, 2013 Category: Diabetes Tags: Diabetes and Women Source Type: blogs

D-Blog Week: Memories.
I remember being nine or ten years old, on my hands and knees, crawling up the staircase to get to the kitchen, where my mom was cooking dinner.  I remember calling out for my mom, but the words lost their form and letters fell into a heap on the staircase.I remember my mom sitting on the kitchen floor with me, breaking graham crackers into smaller bites and putting them in my mouth, dinner burning in pans on the stove.  I remember my mom's eyes being very wide but she wasn't crying.  I remember a glass of juice.  I remember it was hard to chew because I was crying but I wasn't sure why, and then there'...
Source: Six Until Me. - May 15, 2013 Category: Diabetes Tags: Diabetes and Emotions Source Type: blogs

D-Blog Week: We, the Undersigned, Pledge to Run Like a Velociraptor is Chasing Us.
We, the undersigned, being of sound body and mind, need to go back to that "being of sound body" bit.  As a person living with type 1 diabetes, my insulin is of the utmost importance.  As is testing my blood sugar.  And don't anyone try to take away my online community or my emotional health may take a dive.  These are the things that keep me healthiest ... but wait a second ... what's missing?Oh yeah.EXERCISE. We, the undersigned, understand that exercise isn't just for bringing down a high blood sugar.  It's not just "for people who have diabetes."  Exercising your b...
Source: Six Until Me. - May 14, 2013 Category: Diabetes Tags: Friends Source Type: blogs

D-Blog Week: Share and Don't Share.
Share and Don't Share:  Often our health care team only sees us for about 15 minutes several times a year, and they might not have a sense of what our lives are really like. Today, let’s pretend our medical team is reading our blogs. What do you wish they could see about your and/or your loved one's daily life with diabetes? On the other hand, what do you hope they don't see? "I'm sorry," "thank you," and "please" are the thematic statements of every endocrinologist appointment I have.  "Thank you."  You're great.  You really are.  I've been a pa...
Source: Six Until Me. - May 13, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs