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Total 16594 results found since Jan 2013.

Life in cancer land
is never normal. Every little thingy becomes suspicious and requires further testing. It doesn't matter if it has any relation to previous ailments or is new or not but you always get the 'because of your history we need to be sure...' line.I was talking with a friend about it this morning. There is a nasty level in the diagnostic process that is called 'big enough to see but too small to do anything about it'. It is almost as bad as the 'there are too many thingies to think about surgery' but not really.Basically its a sh*thole that cancer people live in suspended animation for days, weeks, months or even years. Going fr...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - July 20, 2013 Category: Cancer Tags: scans stress cancer history Source Type: blogs

There can be humor in cancer
Cancer isn't supposed to be funny. But to patients it can be. People in cancer treatment are still people. They keep their sense of humor. Here's some proof.A 12 year old boy from Milton, MA self published a joke book while in chemotherapy. He got other children in the pediatric cancer center to leave jokes for him each day. He compiled them and published a book. You can buy a copy online here. All proceeds from the book sale go to pediatric cancer research. For $8.95 you can get a few snickers and laughs and help a worthy cause. If you don't like jokes for kids, buy a copy and donate it to your local hospital.
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - September 8, 2013 Category: Cancer Tags: cancer support donating humor children Source Type: blogs

Breathing causes cancer
I knew it would come to this. Everything has been researched to the nth degree, millions of researchers have been employed, everything has been dissected, ressected and digested. We have been told that no salt, no wine, no chocolate, lots of vegetables, lots of fruit, get exercise, no we were wrong red wine only, dark chocolate only - and only in moderation (whatever that means), not those fruits but blueberries and other things you have never heard of. We have tried to decipher diets, pyramids, and scams.But now they tell us. Breathing causes cancer. Actually its not the actually breathing that causes caner but what we br...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - October 18, 2013 Category: Cancer Tags: cancer risk research Source Type: blogs

Blood tests for breast cancer?
You mean maybe we could skip the annual mammogram and just have another blood test? That would be too cool. Now I couldn't read the article without subscribing to another magazine but suffice to say the abstract is promising enough: "A new blood test may be able to detect the early stages of breast cancer, researchers say. Scheduled to begin vigorous clinical testing in early 2014, the test successfully identified the presence of breast cancer cells from serum biomarkers in preliminary testing, a huge step forward that could make breast cancer testing more widespread and more regularly detected early..."Wouldn't it be nice...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - November 25, 2013 Category: Cancer Tags: blood tests breast cancer cancer diagnosis mammogram Source Type: blogs

Cancer and neighbors
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I did not go out an tell my neighbors. I live in New England where people have more of a tendency to keep to themselves. I figured it wasn't really their business. We had only lived in the neighborhood for a couple of years and most of the neighbors were new.  Also, I really did not want a non-stop supply of casseroles that might be common in other parts of the country.We live on a street with five houses on it. When we moved in, two of the houses were under construction and empty, an older man lived in the house across the street who stayed home by himself mostly but would come...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - December 5, 2013 Category: Cancer Tags: cancer history friends Source Type: blogs

Cholesterol and breast cancer
All these new studies, or at least one which was noticed by the media who are in the process of over-hyping it, tell us that cholesterol 'fuels' breast cancer. Well, woop-de-doo I say. This is one of those things that I figure I can ignore.My doctors have said my good cholesterol was nice and high and my bad cholesterol was nice and low with a total number that was just about right. But now they say my cholesterol could have helped cause my breast cancer.I am confused. For decades we are told low bad cholesterol for heart health, blah, blah, blah. Now its fueling breast cancer? What are we supposed to do, give up eating? O...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - December 3, 2013 Category: Cancer Tags: cancer cause cancer research Source Type: blogs

Has Your Partner Been Diagnosed With Breast Cancer?
In the vast majority of cases, a breast cancer diagnosis affects more than one person. All the focus understandably centers around the patient in formulating the best treatment plan. However, as physicians, I feel we generally do a bad job of considering the patient's support system, and the primary caregiver in particular.Following one of my patients' breast cancer diagnosis, mastectomy and reconstruction, I asked her husband how he was coping and if there was any way we could be of more help.He told me: "You're the first one who's even asked me how I'm doing. There's no manual. I can't fix this. I have a million thoughts...
Source: Breast Cancer Reconstruction Blog - December 17, 2013 Category: Cancer Tags: breast cancer diagnosis helpful helpless manual mastectomy partner reconstruction resources Source Type: blogs

LAME advice from an oncologist on breast cancer
I believe this article was originally an announcement of a new doctor at a teaching hospital in Houston. But was later retitled "Oncologist advises what to do when after breast cancer diagnosis"It is very LAME advice. I actually do not consider it advice, may be on a very basic level. “My advice for any woman who suspects she may have cancer is that she ought not delay seeking treatment, even though it can be very scary and anxiety-producing,” she said. “My advice for newly-diagnosed patients is to bring one other person to your visit. It is very helpful to have extra eyes and ears to help you remember what is discus...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - December 23, 2013 Category: Cancer Tags: breast cancer medical advice Source Type: blogs

Cancer Immunotherapy
That's a mouthful. But Science Magazine has named Cancer Immunotherapy as their breakthrough for the year. So what exactly is that?"“Immunotherapy marks an entirely different way of treating cancer — by targeting the immune system, not the tumor itself,” Science said... Based on the idea that the immune system can be trained to attack tumors in the same way that it targets infectious agents, cancer immunotherapy exploits the ability to harness different types of immune cells circulating in the body."Researchers have already made some progress with this way of thinking with both melanoma and leukemia. They have plans ...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - January 2, 2014 Category: Cancer Tags: award cancer research progress Source Type: blogs

Weight gain is a side effect of cancer.
Weight gain is the side effect of everything these days - even breathing. I am on too many medications which have a side effect of weight gain.... So here I sit in my slightly tight clothes two sizes larger than I used to wear in dire need of a drastic deflabbification project."People with certain cancers – such as breast, prostate and colon cancer – are more likely to gain weight during treatment due to the therapies used to combat their disease. Hormone therapy, some chemotherapy regimens and medications such as steroids  all can cause weight gain, as well as water retention."THEY  DIDN'T TELL ME THIS ...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - February 20, 2014 Category: Cancer Tags: cancer diagnosis side effects weight Source Type: blogs

A (Short but) Very Stressful Trip on the Cancer Rollercoaster
Yesterday I went to have my annual check up with endocrinologist. When I first saw her about five years ago, I was sent for a baseline thyroid ultrasound because I hadn't had either an ultrasound ever or an endocrinologist in a very long time (decades?). Big surprise there when they found a 'something' in the thyroid bed where the thyroid used to be but wasn't supposed to be anything.We started following it with ultrasounds to see what it was. It was clearly in the evil category of 'big enough to see but too small to do anything about'. So six month and then, as its stability became established, annual ultrasounds were the...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - February 13, 2014 Category: Cancer Tags: cancer history fear recurrence stress thyroid cancer Source Type: blogs

A cancer diagnosis is not time to start using the past tense
Yesterday Curt Schilling, former NBL player for the Boston Red Sox and elsewhere, announced he was diagnosed with cancer. He did not say what kind of cancer nor his prognosis, which is really no one's business but his own.And the media immediately started using the past tense when speaking about him and eulogizing him.Hello! A cancer diagnosis is not the time to start putting someone in the ground. It is a time to give them respectful privacy so they can deal with their illness and its treatment.According to this morning's news, he is 'dealing with a health crisis'. Well, yes its not a good thing but let the man have some ...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - February 6, 2014 Category: Cancer Tags: cancer diagnosis coping Source Type: blogs

The Real Fallout From Breast Cancer Treatment? My Hair
My surgeon told me that the first question women ask after a breast cancer diagnosis is, “Will I lose my hair?” followed by “Will I lose my breasts?” Seldom is the first question “Will I lose my life?” I thought this was odd until I lost my hair the first time I had chemotherapy almost 10 years ago – then I got it – being bald is miserable, especially for the vain at heart – like me! Two weeks after the first chemotherapy treatment all those years ago I was standing in a store making a purchase when I ran my fingers through my hair and my hand came out with a clump of bright blond hair. I quickly stuc...
Source: Life with Breast Cancer - March 12, 2014 Category: Cancer Authors: Kathy-Ellen Kups, RN Tags: Breast Cancer breast cancer treatment cancer hair loss chemo radiation Source Type: blogs

Natural cancer cures
An 78 year old Googles for "natural cancer cures", changes his diet accordingly and becomes cancer free after the doctors stopped chemotherapy against what they said was an incurable colon cancer.
Source: Metastatic liver cancer - September 17, 2012 Category: Cancer Authors: Daughter SK Tags: Alternative CANCER TREATMENTS Source Type: blogs

Stomach Cancer
Early stomach cancer often does not show very clear symptoms. Symptoms and diagnosis of stomach cancer Like with most cancers of internal your organs, symptoms mostly occur when the cancer is well-progressed, and therefore already difficult to treat. You will undergo a lot of tests in order to make sure what is the cause of […]
Source: Metastatic liver cancer - September 15, 2011 Category: Cancer Authors: Daughter SK Tags: TYPES OF CANCER Source Type: blogs